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Message From Principal

Madhuvan Global Academy family, Community members and Visitors to the Madhuvan Global Academy... On behalf of the Management and Staff at Madhuvan Global Academy, I extend a warm welcome to all of you into the academic session 2023-24. This year is a pilot year with promises to be fulfilled with excitement on all fronts – academics, sports and co – curricular. Modest initiatives have been incorporated for the efficiency of the school system and so it is imperative that all of you go through the website in great detail. I firmly believe that success is measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, but the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.

Madhuvan Global Academy, our earnest attempt is to make your child’s first step out of his/her home a happy, enriching and rewarding one, giving priority to the facts that brain power is balanced with physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual and social well being, if a child is truly to flourish in the pursuit of excellence, it shall be through our maxim- “from darkness, lead me to light”. I call upon every individual connected to Madhuvan Global Academy to join hands to save the EARTH, I am confident to prepare my students so that they can justify every bit of actions in their lives.